Thursday, December 03, 2009

I spoke too soon...

Last I wrote, I had visited my RENT family on the road and was so moved by it. Last week, while shooting in Dallas, I found myself remembering "the good 'ol days" with another former RENTer. Imagine my surprise to (very unexpectedly) find myself back in the show now. Yes, I am currently reprising Joanne in the Rapp/Pascall tour of RENT. Orlando this week. Miami next week.
In the new year, look for me on the small screen in "24" and "The Deep End".

More to come!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Merle saw your performance in Orlando! You are awesome there! Hey by chance if you remember me I'm the kid/girl asking for picture with you...because I swear to GOD I know that you are the one from half-life 2! Mym mom was like "What the hell is wrong with you?" I explained it to her that you were on my favorite video games too... And guess what, your fanbase is just expanding larger more than in the US, my friend also said 'love ya from Indonesia!"